Baby Sam is due in December!

having a baby

Sunday, February 24, 2008

IVF #2 Back on Track

Well, for those of you who have been wondering, we got the go-ahead this past week to begin a new IVF cycle. Dr. Dunn has ordered a new protocol this time around, different from anything we have tried before. It's called a "flare protocol," and it is much more aggressive as far as the number of eggs it will (hopefully) yield. For you techies who actually care about this stuff, here is how it works, according to

In this type of stimulation, the Lupron (or other GnRH agonist) is started on cycle day 2 in the same menstrual cycle that eggs will be retrieved - instead of starting it a week prior to the start of menses. This protocol takes advantage of an initial "flare-up" response of FSH and LH release from the woman's own pituitary gland that usually occurs in the first 3 days of Lupron administration. Continuing Lupron for more than 3 days temporarily suppresses the pituitary gland so that it has very low output of FSH and LH.The FSH product (e.g. Follistim, Gonal-F, Repronex) is then started on the following day (day 3). Lupron will stimulate release of a large amount of FSH (and LH) that will jump-start (flare-up) the follicles to promote a better ovarian stimulation, with more mature follicles and more eggs to utilize with IVF.Birth control pills are usually given for the month before the flare so that there will not be a leftover cyst (corpus luteum) that could become reactivated by the high LH levels at the onset of the flare stimulation.There are variations to the protocol. This is one example:

1. Birth control pills for 1 month (I will be taking them for three weeks, starting 2/22.)
2. Stop birth control pills - no meds for 2 days
3. Start Lupron on the third pill free day. We use a 50ug dose of Lupron twice daily -AM and PM- for these flare cycles. 50ug is a very small dose as compared to the usual Long Lupron protocol dose of 0.5mg (500ug). The Lupron needs to be diluted by the pharmacy or the doctor's office in order to be able to inject such a low dose.
4. Start injections of the FSH product (once or twice daily) on the day after starting Lupron
5. The Lupron is usually continued at the same dose until the HCG trigger shot is given.

Our egg retrieval is tentatively scheduled for March 30; and if all goes according to plan, our embryo transfer will happen 5 days later. I should be able to get an accurate HPT result by my birthday on April 14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME (I hope)!!!

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